The ICPS series takes place under the auspices of the Semiconductor Commission (C8) of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP).The scientific program of the ICPS-28 will consist of plenary sessions, parallel oral sessions and poster sessions. All abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee. Authors will be informed about acceptance by April 30, 2006. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings.
The conference will cover all aspects of semiconductor physics, including :
1 Growth, surfaces, and interface
1a Atomic and electronic structure
1b Bulk growth and structural characterization
1c Growth and structural characterization of nanostructures, wires, and dots
1d Interfaces
2 Bulk
2a Structural and electronic properties
2b Optical properties, excitons
2c Carrier dynamics
2d Lattice dynamics
2e Transport, localization
2f Amorphous materials
3 Defects and Impurities
3a Shallow centers
3b Deep centers
4 Wide-Band-Gap Semiconductors
4a Growth
4b Optical studies
4c Electronic properties, transport
4d High-k-materials
5 Molecular systems and organic semiconductors
6 Heterostructures, quantum wells, superlattices; 2D nanostructures (including graphene)
6a Electronic structure
6b Interband transitions, excitons and exciton condensation
6c Nonlinear optical studies
6d Carrier dynamics, relaxation
6e Intersubband transitions
6f Terahertz and quantum cascade structures
6g Transport, tunneling, high-frequency transport
6h Phonons, plasmons
6i Hybrid structures
7 Physics in the QHE regime
8 Nanostructures: one- and zero-dimensional systems
8a Electronic properties, transport: wires
8b Electronic properties, transport: dots and coupled dots
8c Optical studies: wires
8d Optical studies: dots and dot molecules
8e Ultrafast, coherent and non-linear optical studies
8f Carrier dynamics, relaxation
8g Nanotubes
8h Nanocrystals
9 Semiconductor quantum electrodynamics, strong coupling
9a Theoretical aspects
9b Decoherence in semiconductors
9c Semiconductor q-bits, atom chips
10 Quantum information and processing
11 Microcavities and photonic crystal structures
12 Semiconductor Spintronics
12a Magnetic and semimagnetic semiconductors
12b Spin injection and spin transport
12c Optical studies and spin dynamics
12d Nuclear spin interactions
12e Spin manipulation and detection
12f Devices
13 Applications and Devices
13a Electronic devices
13b Photonic devices
13c Terahertz and cascade lasers
13d MEMs and NEMs
13e Novel device concepts
14 New Materials, Concepts and Techniques
14a Materials and growth
14b Experimental techniques
14c Theoretical techniques

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We wish to thank the following for their contribution to the success of this conference: European Office of Aerospace Research and Development, Air Force
Office of Scientific Research, United States Air Force Research Laboratory.(