Proceedings deadline extended until July, 16 !
A limited number of Conference Dinner tickets wil be available on site !
Welcome Party and Registration:
There will be a welcome party and registration on Sunday July 23, 15:00-19:00
To avoid an overcrowded registration on Monday morning, please come to our party in the conference center on Sunday afternoon. Free drinks and snacks !
For faster registration, please have your registration number ready.
You can find them on the documents you received from Pegasus.
Internet access during the conference :
There will be two WLAN areas, one in the "Wintergarten" and one in the registration area. The internet acces will be open and free of charge. In addition, there will be 5 computers in a "media center" which can be used for internet acces and last revisions of your presentation.
Presentations :
Presentations can be given by video beamers only. A (WinXP) computer will be available in each lecture hall, so that you can bring your presentation on a memory stick or CD. Accepted formats are Powerpoint and Adobe-pdf.
WARNING: using the conference computers is at your own risk. The conference organizers refuse any responsibility if your presentation does not work due to font or other software problems. If you plan to use the conference computers, check your presentation in the media center before.
Poster format :
Poster format will be DIN-A0 portrait!
(b=841mm h=1189 mm)
The final "short program" is available now. It includes timetables, maps and other useful information.
A printed version will be distributed on the conference together with a Vienna city map and other tourist information.

Infineon Villach is currently recruiting.
Contact Infineon on ICPS for open positions !

We wish to thank the following for their contribution to the success of this conference: European Office of Aerospace Research and Development, Air Force
Office of Scientific Research, United States Air Force Research Laboratory.(
